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I Survived LD32

News Number 7

Hello everyone, short post here but, how was Ludum Dare?


During the event, I watched a lot of livestreams, and have a number of people's games I want to play fast!


Ludum Dare was a bit tougher than I expected, but I still got a game completed.

Click here to play it.


---To begin, the theme, was terrible. "An Unconventional Weapon" Something like a weapon of mass destruction, probably.


---Secondly, time was not on my side. I started off Saturday night, and got it done by Monday morning at 4:30 AM, since I needed to go to school that same day.


-Third, I never had the time to clearly think. Almost every minute I had to do numerous, sometimes hour-taking things, and there was a lot of noise during the times, except at night.



What went right:
1. My image of the game. 1/3 of it was able to be completed, and that is just fine by me.
2. I got all my ideas fit in, and got around all bugs.
3. The game's neat and nice.
4. I polished up a bit.


What went wrong:
1. Time, I never have enough time.
2. Peace, I was never fully focused.
3. Music, the game music is horrible.
4. Short, the game is a bit short.



I'm so exhausted!


On the side notes, Dani Coder has it's own website now. It was made on Saturday, 18th. April, 2015. That is where I'll be posting future updates, and progress on Dani Coder.

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