OnTurned Officially Official
News Number 3
Today, after school I checked my e-mail to receive some exciting news. OnTurned is officially official on IndieDB. Click this link to view it: http://www.indiedb.com/games/onturned
That means that it is now online, and authorised, and up for the public to see. Because of that, I'll be updating it almost everyday, if not everyday. And today I've added 2 tutorials to the site: How to Host an OnTurned Server, and How to Make an OnTurned Map.
Also, in one day's time, my game got up to 150 hits, as the maximum! I'm really happy with the progress the game is making, and the animator is doing an excellent job as well!
Below are the two videos published today, and the backs of the clotheless, bald characters for OnTurned! :3
Well, enjoy your day, until then...